Saturday, August 3, 2019

Survivors (Sam, Entry #8, circa 2018)

Listen, I can understand fighting these big baddies, and I can understand being afraid.

What I cannot understand is turning against yourselves the way you do.

If you're bored sometime, look up the Crossroads theory.

No, no, not that mythological bunk. Or that admittedly cool song that came out a while ago.

Don't get lost in the quantum theory, either, it might make your heads hurt.

I'm talking about this.

It's the theory that all our major cultures, religions, and social attitudes have made us warring neighbors perpetually pitted against each other. That in truth, we're all far too alike to really be tolerating what's being done to us, but we're being distracted by petty differences, away from the ugliest shit going on underneath our noses.

Celebrities overdosing. Royal weddings. Oooh, who's wearing the cutest clothes today??! Eugh.

What it all boils down to is simple:

Our labels prevent us from coming together and unifying against our social injustices.

We judge and verbally crucify those that are different than us, rather than allowing ourselves to see the commonalities. We murder, and kill, and steal, and backbite, because we justify our bullshit with things like "but they're different than us! They did ____." What a crock of shit.

No one is any more evil than you are. Or any more good.

The social theory, by its end, recommends one thing I have taken to heart:

That a day shall come when these labels are mainly cast to the side, and that the common people shall forgive each other their minor transgressions, and fight for their rights. Protect their kids, unionize in order to protect their ability to work for a fair wage, and tear down the pillars of our civilization one faulty pedestal at a time, to be replaced by rules and regulations that actually protect us.

That said, it is predicted to be a social revolution spanning over the next 25-100 years.

I want to live to see a day where this comes true. Where we can all attempt to live together in peace.

But until then.. I don't want to be a part of a civilization that harms their own for profit.

That sells innocent children to the highest bidder, that trafficks victims for sex, that lets the hungry starve while the rich sit on what amount to thrones in beautiful offices and mansions.

Fuck that world.

It's why I've chosen to live on the outskirts, learning. Living. Surviving.

For those of us that've chosen to fight back against the status quo..

We are the Survivors.

Word to the wise:

It doesn't matter if we're in Overland, Underland, the Empty City, or some fucked up variance of the three. Cross us in the wrong way, and you may wind up in a fight for your life.

We don't tolerate losing what we've fought so hard for.

Be it our food, friends, or our own lives.

You shouldn't either.

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