Saturday, August 3, 2019

Claw Your Way Out (Entry #1, Demi)

There must always be an introduction post.

That in which we say our hellos, tell our stories, do some grandstanding.

Maybe even say some vague shit we'll reveal later through a series of confusing posts.

See, I'm not about all that.

I'm about telling the truth. When it happens, how it happens, no matter how strange the tale.

And so we begin with my story. My brokenhearted truth, of how I came back.

If I can persuade Jack to wake up long enough to write about who I am, about what happened to her and what she remembered during the poisoning attempt, I will.

But until then? My name is Demi.

I am a Dia.

I am also the only Dia left willing to take the mantle of Overseer of Sanctuary.

The others are either dead, in an insane asylum, missing, or just plain don't want the job.

I should never have had to come back to this life.

I lived a good life, once upon a time, with my Good Doctor.

We lived in the coldest reaches of the mountains of Alaska.

We lived paycheck to paycheck, despite how much we each made, because we always insisted on bringing groceries to the struggling in the middle of the night, donated our time for free with the local clinics and hospitals, volunteered with the children of the shelters.. tried so hard to help the Runners.

I thought I had well and true escaped my past with the Board when I met my husband.

My version of Advy.

Tall, lean, gorgeous. Wicked intelligent and kind. The best man I have ever met.

One day driving back from a party on Christmas Eve, it was freezing cold. Far below zero.

We were bundled for warmth, and not paying enough attention to the road.

We were with each other. We were happy. We were foolish.

The brakes failed on that thrice damned slippery backroad, and we slid sideways.

Straight into a snowbank.

What happened next is up for debate.

What I do know is that I was thrown from the vehicle, straight through the windshield.

I tried crawling back to the car, slumping on the passenger side's threshold, searching.

Ever searching for my Good Doctor.

He was gone.

I froze to death, there in that snowbank.

The doctors say with the condition I was found in, I should never have survived.

That the cold was all that saved me, sent me into a deep hibernation until help could arrive.

My pulse was almost at zero. My heart beat but a few times a minute.

The first responders told me they found the scene littered with footsteps and droplets of blood.

Like someone came to my body, and circled it, over and over, then left the way they came.

I politely excused myself from the hospital, as soon as my vitals recovered.

I tried leaving the world as a shadow.

Nothing would let me die.

Apparently, I tied myself to Jack's curse when I died and came back.

Their lovely little "loophole."

Now, Lilith has sacrificed herself to exorcise the Convocation and strengthen the wards to Sanctuary.

Jack has fallen into an azoth-induced coma, pulling a Sleeping Beauty.

I personally think she slipped away once she realized Bael was gone..

But that is neither here nor there.

The position of Overseer to Sanctuary, of Guardian to the Rabbit Hole..

Has fallen to me.

Things are about to change, ladies and gentlemen.

Y'all ready to hear the stories Jack would never share?

Y'all ready to wage war on Underland, and loot them blind?

Y'all ready to burn some shit to the ground, and build anew?

Because I am sure as hell ready for all of it.

Buckle up.

It's about to become quite a bumpy ride.

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