Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Broken Fairytale (Dia of questionable origin, requesting verification)


An ominous name, right? The kind of thing or description that might warn you to steer clear?

Yeah, I tried that.

Fell in love despite myself.

With the one man I was forbidden to be with.

An angel that broke the rules and Fell for love.

Became a Reaper alongside me, to better serve the ones that had no abilities or enchantments to protect them like the other races do.

When I split myself into so many pieces.. he followed me.

Followed me through time and space, to watch over us all.

Saved us from an entrapment by the Unseelie.

Warned many a husband to watch their step.

Because he was watching.

I've known him by so many names. Gabriel, Jor, Sinister, Syn, and a few.. I can't even repeat.

I'd get in so much trouble.

What follows is an account from one of my selves. Decipher it as you will. I simply know it has to be written:

Years ago, I met a lanky motherfucker with a demon's smile, running around like the Tazmanian devil and captivating everyone around him. I, like the rest, couldn't help but laugh at his antics. 

He introduced himself with a flourish, bowing and dipping. "Hello there, pretty lady. My name is Syn. And yours is...?" I flushed then, unused to such theatrics from anyone outside of the demons and the insane.

"Dia. My name is Dia."

He straightened with a smug look on his face, bouncing a bit in place as he did so. "I thought that might be it."

Confused, I shyed back behind Taishan, peaking out around his shoulder. My wolf demon was rather amused, telling me to either sit quietly while he met with his brother, or to go back inside. With a reluctant nod, I did as he bade and quietly retreated.

Of course, even then I wasn't the perfectly meek little mouse i presented to be. I creeped to the door separating me from them, and pressed my ear to it.

T: "....I see you've finally met her. What do you think?"

S: "I like her just fine, but.. does she know?"

T: "Of course not. She wouldn't be here if she did."

S: "Maybe now would be a good time to explain what you're doing with my wife."

T: "Ah ah ah, brother. She isn't your wife this time around. She's just a pretty young thing that got drawn to Us. I just so happened to be the first one she found."

" Can you blame me for taking the opportunity? She's beautiful, kind, and completely oblivious. Utterly unlike she used to be towards the demon clans. Quite frankly, I think I prefer her this way."

I pressed my ear harder to the door at this point, desperately wishing my hearing wasn't so poor.

S: "You know she'll wake up eventually, right? You can't expect her to forget forever. When she does come back to herself, she's going to hate you for this."

T: "I've made contingency plans for just about every occasion that could arise. Trust me, she isn't going anywhere."

S: "You know I can't stay to fight you on this. She's too young, and my assignments will keep me too far away to be of any use to her once they begin."

"Just.. do me a favor and treat her right. If you don't, you know I will return and take her from you. By force if necessary."

T: "Of course. But, you know as well as I do that once you leave, there won't be much you'll be able to do about it. Infrequent visits at best. I will do what I can to keep her safe from the rest of the world until she wakes."

S: "And what about from you?"

T: "Me? Why, I'll treat her like she deserves to be treated."

At this, there was a period of silence punctuated by the sounds of scuffling, and faint cursing.

S: "Don't forget my promise to you, Taishan. You can rest assured I won't. No matter how long it takes."

The sounds of soft footfalls retreated, and I backed away from the door as quickly as I could to avoid detection.

I failed.

The door opened and in stepped my lover, his eyes searching me out the moment he did. Eyes narrowing, he strode forward and yanked me up by my hair from my hiding position, backhanding me as he did so.

"Oh, darlin'. I wish you wouldn't have heard that. It isn't nearly time for you to know these things."

With that, Taishan grinned maliciously at me and covered my eyes with a long, taloned hand. When he removed his hand, it was as if I was drifting through a fog once more, my memory of what happened spotty at best.

"Baby, why didn't you stay outside while my friend visited? That was very rude of you. Next time a friend of ours comes over, please be more friendly to them."

I smiled vacantly at him then, pupils blown out from what he'd done to me, a vapid expression on my face. 

"Of course, baby. I'll do better next time."

With a nod and a smile, my wolf took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom to 'punish' me as he was wont to do, making me his broken little toy a little more at a time.

It was not until many years later that I was able to wake up enough to remember what had happened, and question what imagined sins he had been forcing me to atone for.

It took years more for me to recover from the memory wipes so many had subjected me to in the last ten years.

Sometimes, I wonder if I would have simply been stronger if I could have withstood what happened to me better. The Elders insist there is no possible way a slumbering Original teenager could have fought back in those circumstances, but still.. the guilt remains. The anger at how much I lost.

I have to go. One of the envoys is here and wishes to discuss the peace treaty. Oh, how I loathe speaking to the panther clan.. ugh. I'll have to finish this later.

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